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1 John Introduction

The book of 1 John, written by John the Apostle, serves as a pastoral letter aimed at countering the threats of Gnosticism and other early heresies that disturbed the early Christian communities. John focuses on defining and defending the core truths of Christian identity—faith in Jesus as the Christ and Son of God, who came in the flesh. The epistle stresses the importance of living out this truth through genuine love, obedience, and righteousness. John’s message is characterized by its emphasis on love, assurance in salvation, and the tests of true fellowship with God and His children.

Chapter 1
John opens his epistle by affirming the reality of the Incarnation, declaring that the eternal life, which was with the Father, was manifested and witnessed by the apostles. He emphasizes fellowship with God and with fellow believers, which hinges on walking in the light as God is in the light. This chapter sets the tone for the letter by asserting that confessing sins and living truthfully in God’s light are key for maintaining this fellowship, as God is faithful to forgive and cleanse from all unrighteousness.

Chapter 2
In this chapter, John addresses the believers as his children, offering reassurance that their sins are forgiven and advocating for obedience to God’s commands as the essence of knowing Him. He warns against loving the world and its desires, emphasizing that true love for the Father is incompatible with worldly affections. John introduces the concept of antichrists, indicating those who deny Jesus as the Christ and who have departed from the fellowship, showing they were never truly part of it. He encourages adherence to the truth received from the beginning and the anointing by the Holy Spirit, which teaches all things.

Chapter 3
John vividly describes the love of God that bestows the identity of "children of God" upon believers, contrasting it with the world’s ignorance of this divine relationship. This chapter delves into the ethical implications of this identity, stating that practicing righteousness and love evidences being born of God. John discusses the stark contrast between the children of God and the children of the devil, where not practicing righteousness and not loving one's brother are marks of the latter. The chapter culminates in the commandment to believe in Christ and love one another.

Chapter 4
This chapter warns against believing every spirit and advises testing the spirits to see whether they are from God, as many false prophets have gone into the world. The criterion for testing the spirits is their confession of Jesus Christ come in the flesh. John expounds on God’s love, manifest in sending His Son as the Savior of the world, and discusses how love perfected among believers gives confidence on the day of judgment. The chapter emphasizes that God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God in them.

Chapter 5
John concludes his epistle by reinforcing the belief in Jesus as the Son of God, stating that this faith is the victory that overcomes the world. He elaborates on the testimony of God concerning His Son and the eternal life granted through Him, emphasizing that having the Son means having life. The chapter addresses the confidence believers have in approaching God with their prayers, knowing He hears and responds. John warns against sin that leads to death and underscores the protection God provides from evil, affirming the truth and keeping away from idols.

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